f&sm showcase: This page is filled with pics of my work displayed or tested on George Sellios' layout Franklin & South Manchester rr. The pics are made up of outtakes of some of my shots. Some shots are "what if's" some are simply test shots or simply to showcase my work for customers. None are intended for resale or to be misused. I placed a caption with most pics to tell a story with the shot. I hope you enjoy the variety of shots. Sorry for any bad pics.
Rare modern diesels on the f&sm test run by George himself. GP-38-2 & GP-60
Town of wellington: Shadow box isle as you first enter the layout room. Note: Pics are in no particular order.
St. Tammany & Gulf rr. makes a water stop at Rocky Point Harbor on the f&sm rr.
The belfast & vinehaven rr. with the Saranac Branch of the New York Central rr. interchanges with the f&sm rr.
Derailments on the f&sm: